
smoking smoking smoking!


It´s difficult to write that in japanese, i mean most of german smokers, me including, made their cigarettes by themselfes. All you need is a filter, paper and tobacco!
In german you should say: Ich dreh mir mal eine ;)
But i think most of the japanese smokers buy a box or case of done cigarettes. I don´t know if you can buy utensils in japan to build your on cigarette?? But of course, there are shops where you can buy such things! (hope so!!)


The Blue Punk

This work has the title "the blue punk". It was spontaneous originated. The meaning of this is, that there was no intention to make such a picture. Information to the Picture: The Blue Punk, 2002 Berlin, 20 cm width and height 30 cm, watercoloures and oilchalk of paper.




I´m really sad and downcast about that! It´s not only you who must go back to Japan, there is also another girlfriend. It´s allways difficult to start again from the beginning and i´m really happy that i met you, talked to you and to be your friend. But i´m also sad because i can´t help you in this time. You are so kind, interessting and talented person. I´m really glad that i can say she is my Friend.
Heyyyy don´t forget this, where ever you are i will stay your friend!いついつまでも!!!And maybe there will be a chance that you can stay here or you decide to come back, i hope so!
Thank you so much T.!!!
And also Thanks to you too M.!





Old Artwork!

I want to post sometimes old artworks of mine and this one is called "Die blauen Frauen", that´s german and means "the blue womans". I made that 2002 in Berlin, material was watercolours, width 32 cm and height 42 cm.
I like naked woman but i only fall in love with dudes ;)

Cat Babysitter

Yes, i must play for two weeks a cat babysitter for my brother, ah ok there are two cats, twins!
Tabby cat and the other one is black.
Tomorrow i meet with another baby, a sweet little girl but by the way to give birth was for my Friend really hard. Anyhow both of them are now ok!